Billing FAQ

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TeeTimeHelper is free with ads for groups with 15 members or less. All paid plans remove the ads for the admin and all members. We offer a 14 day trial for all group sizes and have full year discounts. Please see our rates for more information.

Group members are free. Only the admin pays the fee which covers the entire group.

There is no account origination fee or any other fees beyond the monthly/yearly amount.

You can make a one time payment for 3-6 months without a subscription. Alternatively, you can subscribe monthly and cancel when you are finished for the year.

At the top of any event press the 'Settings' icon and then 'Add/Edit Extra Admins'. Select your admins from the dropdown lists and confirm.

Extra admins have the same permissions as the paying admin - as long as they are invited to the event. They can also create new events just like the paying admin.

Rates are based on the largest number of invitees for your group including the admin. Please see our rates. for details on group sizes and cost.

You can cancel at any time, just send us a message.

Yes, we offer 3-6 month fixed payments without monthly or yearly renewal.

Admins love TeeTimeHelper and are not shy about giving TeeTimeHelper reviews.

To change your plan, subscribe to a new plan and we will cancel the first subscription with a prorated refund.

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